Blueberries. Autumn.

What Would a More Mature World Look Like?

If we grew up a few inches – all of us – the world would see remarkable changes.

When I worked as a cleaner at a hospital in Oslo in the 1980s, I emptied doctors’ overfull ashtrays.

People smoked everywhere. In banks, in planes, in bedrooms.

What was normal has become horrid. And we do not feel we have sacrificed anything. We just shake our heads at what used to be normal behaviour.

The same thing could and should happen with Immaturity.

What if people will say this about us in 2070? 

People believed in the empty words of a narcissist?! Even voted for them?!? No wonder they had problems.

Updating or repairing anything was unheard of. Not even your phone. Imagine the climate impact! 

Promoting friends and family? Taking bribes? You must be joking! 

These examples of Immaturity are the equivalent of smoking.

In the 1970s few could have imagined that smoking would become so uncommon and so unacceptable.

What if the same happened to bribing, blaming and blatant lying?

Talking about blaming.

How many times a day do you hear “it wasn’t me. It was him!” Or some version of it? Often peppered with sophisticated words to disguise the intent.
What if we normalised taking responsibility and owning up? 

“No Blaming” is my first signpost on the Road to Maturity.

Pictures of a More Mature World

In a more Mature world, people would visit museums showing how we used to destroy forests and wildlife. They would look at the exhibition in horror. Much like visiting a previous concentration camp.

“We nearly made ourselves extinct because we did not heed the warnings? For the sake of money?”

Photo by Dorothea Oldani
Photo by Dorothea Oldani

In a more Mature world, people would never leave school.

Critical thinking and emotional intelligence would be key subjects.

Together with self-knowledge and how to create thriving communities.

Brasenose College, Oxford
Brasenose College, Oxford

In a more Mature world, beautiful surroundings and a sense of belonging would be serious matters. We would – finally– have accepted what we humans need and acted upon those needs. 

People would make much more use of their capacities, and live their own lives while giving back to society.

Køge, Denmark
Køge, Denmark

In a more Mature world, people would be taught how to have good conversations. Where we listen and learn. Base our arguments on facts and reality. Always consider the longer-term consequences. The ramifications for the whole of society.

If you did not you would be called out. Strongly.

We would laugh at me-centred self-help books, much as we laugh at old magazines giving advice to the “perfect housewife.”

Vigeland Sculpture Park. Oslo, Norway
Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo, Norway

In a more Mature world, egotism, immediate gratification and entitlement would be regarded as abnormalities. You would be encouraged to seek professional help for them. (As envisioned by Abraham Maslow).

You would hear remarks like:

“What is poverty, Mummy?” “That is a long time gone, sweetheart.”

In a more Mature World, we would only admire those who make us flourish. Teachers who helped shy girls become prominent scientists. Skilled craftsmen who build beautiful towns, schools and railway stations. Taking care of the elderly would be a high-prestige job.

Rynok Square, Lviv, Ukraine
Rynok Square, Lviv, Ukraine

In a more Mature world, the size of your house or bank account would be as important as the flavour of your toothpaste.

You may find this childish, but none of it is beyond reach. Why should it be? Though it may take some time to get there.

Every progress we have ever made was regarded as impossible. Ending slavery was impossible. Same with child labour. Alleviate poverty. Women in politics. Gay Marriages.

What does your vision of a more Mature world look like?

 – “Winning the lottery would be great.”

  – What would you do with the money? 

-“Quit my job. Buy a new house. Travel the world.”

 – Good. For how long will that make you happy?


If you do not have a clear vision for your future, you will not be happy. You may even end up as an obese addict.

People cried for democracy during the Arab Spring. Most of them had no idea what democracy implies. They just wanted to get rid of their dictators. Understandably, but a strong reason why the uprisings failed. Nobody seemed to have a clear vision of what they wanted instead. Or how to get there.

To have visions is one of the signposts along my suggested
Road to Maturity.

Click the button and I’ll see you later at the inn called “Peace of Mind.”

Buy me a pint while you are waiting 😁

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