
“Why Isn’t Gaza Like Singapore?”
We tend to think in black and white. To label anything into two categories. For or against. Good or evil. Life becomes much simpler that

“It Is so Easy to Be Immature”
“It is so easy to be immature,” Immanuel Kant wrote in his essay “What is Enlightenment” from 1784. And it still is. We duck enlightenment.

What Happened in Sweden? Hubris Took hold.
The reports are endless on bomb attacks, shootings and violence in Sweden. How could it be that the perhaps most well-functioning country in the world

Why Politicians Should Apply for the Job
Picture the situation: ‘ Well, Mr T could you tell us a bit about yourself and what brought you here?’ A tirade of incoherent

How Many Putins Do You Know?
With a more mature person at the helm in Russia, we would not have had a war in Ukraine. But such calamities are never the

The War in Ukraine – Seen from Africa
You cannot make good decisions or choose what to believe in if you know nothing about “the other side”. Every issue has different angles. Even

Traffic Behaviour: A Parameter for Development?
Traffic can be a daunting experience. And much more so in lesser developed countries. The first day behind the wheel in Vientiane, Laos my heart

Expose Yourself to What You Do Not Like
We will never be able to grow as human beings if we do not expose ourselves to controversy. If you constantly surround yourself with people

The Importance of Being a Foreigner
A 21-year-old woman with a red rucksack sat on a train to Hamburg on a sunny morning in September. She knew little about the world.
What Do You Know About Maturity?
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