
What Happened in Sweden? Hubris Took hold.

The reports are endless on bomb attacks, shootings and violence in Sweden. How could it be that the perhaps most well-functioning country in the world has turned into a mudbath of murders? With 14-year-old contract killers? Sweden used to be a quiet country. The la-la land of IKEA, ABBA and Volvo. Inhabited by well-behaved Swedes

What Happened in Sweden? Hubris Took hold. Read More »

The War in Ukraine – Seen from Africa

You cannot make good decisions or choose what to believe in if you know nothing about “the other side”.  ​Every issue has different angles. Even the war in Ukraine. Not the war itself, but the reason why some countries abstained from voting for the United Nations resolution to demand an end to the Russian invasion. ​141 countries

The War in Ukraine – Seen from Africa Read More »

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