Saying Goodbye to the Left and to the Right

That’s it. I have said goodbye to the whole political spectrum. No more left, right, or centre.

I am tired of this debacle, even called polarisation, that leads nowhere. And I have a strong suspicion I am not alone?

Do I believe Climate Change is the greatest, man-made threat to humanity? Alongside nuclear weapons? I do.

Do I believe that Sweden, where I presently live, is in steep decline due to reckless immigration, caused by goodness-mania? I do. 

I believe in equal opportunities, no matter the circumstances of your birth. I do not believe that we should end up being the same.

I do my best to defend freedom of speech. Particularly, when the words come from contested sources.

I have lived in countries where this human right is highly constricted. I have seen the devastating effects. The apathy, the groupthink, the distrust. Censorship, in any form, cripples human minds.

Notwithstanding, I want to save bees and everything that lives without a salary. 

The silence this summer has made me anxious. Too few birds, not a bumblebee in sight. Not even the token of a Nordic summer: scratching mosquito bites. Although I live close to both a river and a forest.  

I come from Norway, undoubtedly, one of the best countries on this planet.

I swell with pride reading about our World War II heroes while feeling disgusted by how children born to Norwegian mothers and German soldiers were treated. Being a patriot does not make you blind to your country’s faults.

I accept that eating less meat is good for the well-being of the planet while understanding that people are upset when their neighbourhoods are being transformed due to an influx of strangers.

None of the above are opposing views. It is beyond me that so many can regard them as such. How can you “believe” in earthquakes but not in snowstorms?

The Western left–right political system has run its course.

We need something new. The fact that we have not come up with a good alternative, or are able to envision one, does not mean it will not appear.

Maybe the present polarisation, vividly played out on social media, is an inevitable stage into something new? Part of the transition?

Have I become cynical or aloof? Quite the opposite.

This personal enlightenment gives me the freedom to read or listen to whatever I want, without having to think about whether it is commensurate with my political beliefs. Instead, I can focus on its plausibility.

As a result, I am much more open to learning. I can even agree with Donald Trump that Europe should pay for its defence.

Maybe I find a sentence or two in an article interesting but disregard the rest.  Or a social media profile that inspires me one day but disappoints me the next.

Without giving a toss about whether the writer is red, blue, or green.

“It is all the other side’s fault” arguments make me moan.

The evident similarities between right-wing activists and left-wing activists make me giggle.

I feel uplifted. You are welcome to join me.

Write a civilised comment, send me a DM, or an email.


This is mostly for readers from Europe and the Americas. ( I know too little about Oceania).  If you come from other parts of the world, perhaps you find what I have written incomprehensible. Be pleased. You have other problems to deal with, but at least you can shake your head at this craze.

1 thought on “Saying Goodbye to the Left and to the Right”

  1. Pingback: Why Politicians Should Apply for the Job - League of Adults

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